Jean-Claude Besse

About Jean-Claude Besse


Hi! My name is Jean-Claude Besse, and you reached my research website.
You can download my CV (pdf, dated December 2024).
(Looking for triathlon activities? Head over to my blog, partly in French.)

Short Bio

Since 2016 I work in the Quantum Device Lab, in the Department of Physics, at ETH Zürich.

Currently, as a Senior Assistant within the ETH Zurich - PSI quantum computing hub, I coordinate (i) the fabrication of large-scale quantum circuits, (ii) the development of modular quantum computing nodes for improved yield and scalabilty, and (iii) our efforts on quantum optics and communication.

From 2016 to 2021, my research was centered around quantum optics in the microwave regime, engineering gates between itinerant light fields and artificial superconducting atoms. This resulted in my PhD thesis intitulated "Generation, Manipulation, and Detection of Complex States of Microwave Radiation". The thesis was awarded an ETH medal for outsanding performance (picture of the ceremony with Joël Mesot, ETH President).

Prior to joining the Qudev Lab, I worked on cavity optomechanics in the Painter lab at Caltech and on nanomechanical structures for quantum dots coupling with Imamoglu's group at ETH. I obtained a MSc degree in physics from ETH Zurich and a BSc in physics from EPF Lausanne, with an award for the 2nd best GPA overall (best Physics GPA).

Get in touch via the links below, I look forward to hearing from you!